
True Talent Stands Apart With Distinctive Excellence

The establishment of ZHUOER is a product of educational reform and development. It is an important initiative by Tsinghua University in its process of building a world-class university to reflect the three major functions of talent cultivation, scientific research, and social service.
Born In Tsinghua
Zhuoer Education was founded by Tsinghua University in June 2003, and for many years, it has been the specific implementation institution of the international education of the School of Continuing Education. In 2021, it became a wholly-owned subsidiary of MOOC-CN Education, a member of Tsinghua University Asset Management Co., LTD., focusing on international education project operation and high-quality education services.
Global Perspective
With global view, ZHUOER has always been committed to providing the most cutting-edge learning resources in the world. We have established close cooperative relations with world-renowned universities and integrated the world’s leading curriculum system and faculty. We advocate inclusiveness, draw on Western practices that emphasize speculation, rational analysis, and empirical research, and promote innovation with “open thinking”.
Serve China
Based in China, ZHUOER actively explores education and training models and content suitable for national conditions and market demands, and contributes to the development of China’s education and economic transformation! Supported by its rich case and knowledge base, and in-depth industry connections, ZHUOER has provided professional training services to 300+ Chinese and foreign institutions and 20,000+ students. The cumulative number of courses has exceeded 5,000 days, and the cumulative number of courses offered has exceeded 200.

About Us

Beijing ZHUOER Education Investment Co., Ltd. was established in June 2003 by Tsinghua University. Leveraging Tsinghua University’s rich talent resources, strong scientific research capabilities, profound cultural heritage, excellent international reputation, and extensive cooperation network, ZHUOER utilizes its extensive experience, talent, and resource advantages in the high-level and international education fields. Its business scope covers education and training, studying abroad, educational services, management consulting, and educational investment, reflecting strategic support for the development of the university and establishing a unique business model integrating talent cultivation, educational services, and management consulting.

From 2008 to 2017, as an important part of the institutional mechanism reform of the School of Continuing Education of Tsinghua University, ZHUOER also undertook the implementation of the School’s International Education Department. It mainly engaged in a series of international cooperation programs (such as the Tsinghua-ANU Master of Management program, “Global Pathway” study abroad program, outbound and inbound training, international forums, etc.), international engineering project management, large enterprise in-house training, and other services. During these ten years, it provided multi-level, high-quality education and training services to the society in the fields of management education and international cooperation, successfully serving hundreds of enterprises and institutions and training nearly ten thousand high-quality management talents, and sending thousands of young students to prestigious international universities.

Under the unified deployment of Tsinghua University, ZHUOER fully implemented corporate operations from 2018 to 2020 through transition and adjustment, playing a decisive role of market mechanisms in the company’s operations. It focused on core businesses, deepened its connotations, strengthened its international characteristics, linked global educational resources and alumni networks, and served the development needs of social talents.

In 2021, ZHUOER officially became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tsinghua University Asset Management Co., Ltd. In the future, it will continue to uphold Tsinghua University’s motto of “Self-discipline and Social Commitment”(自强不息,厚德载物) and follow the requirements of Tsinghua’s industrial reform and development, adhering to the work style of “Actions Speak Louder than Words,”(行胜于言) remembering the essence of education, leveraging team and resource advantages, focusing on the operation of international education programs and high-quality educational services, and actively participating in building an educational industry ecosystem of “resource sharing, complementary advantages, and coordinated development,” providing international, multi-level, and high-quality educational products and services to society.

Our Advantages

For over two decades, ZHUOER has been deeply engaged in the operation and service of international education programs. By integrating top academic resources globally, it operates and serves high-level master’s and doctoral degree programs in collaboration with world-renowned universities. It also provides professional training and consulting services to well-known enterprises in China and abroad, cultivating tens of thousands of outstanding entrepreneurs, managers, and young talents, and has established an excellent reputation in the industry.

rigorous working style

As the first education investment enterprise established by Tsinghua University, ZHUOER has always adhered to the Tsinghua principle of "Actions Speak Louder than Words." With a pragmatic and realistic work attitude, a rigorous and solid work style, and a proactive work state, it actively faces various challenges in the workplace, diligently accomplishes every task, and truly promotes the "pragmatic" spirit of Tsinghua.

mature business model

ZHUOER has always been committed to providing cutting-edge learning resources globally, advocating inclusivity, and drawing on Western practices that emphasize critical thinking, rational analysis, and empirical research to drive innovation through "open-mindedness." By integrating world-leading academic resources, ZHUOER has successfully introduced, operated, and serviced over 30 international education projects. Its business model has withstood the test of both domestic and international markets.

professional operations team

"Only those with great elegance stand out," ZHUOER, with years of rich experience in managing international programs, has gradually developed a professional operations team with an international perspective, excellent quality, efficiency, and vitality. This team provides high-quality service assurance for international education, teaching, and talent cultivation.

extensive resource network

Leveraging Tsinghua University's rich international education resources, ZHUOER has established strong and healthy cooperative relationships with numerous global institutions and professional organizations. It has brought together a group of renowned teachers from around the world with extensive teaching and practical experience, gathered elites in the domestic management field, accumulated a vast alumni network, and integrated industry resources to achieve coordinated development.

Our Partners

巴黎九大 :
米兰理工大学 :
澳大利亚国立大学 :
斯坦福大学 :
香港城市大学 :
国际金融论坛(IFF) :
西北大学 :
麦考瑞大学 :
天普大学 :
伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院 :
特拉维夫大学 :
清华大学中意设计创新基地 :
北京国家会计学院 :
厦门国家会计学院 :
中国社科院大学 :
清华大学出版社 :
经济管理出版社 :